Spring Equinox Gathering at Cesar Chavez Park

A great event to stop by before the BPFP membership meeting.

Spring Equinox Gathering 2006

Monday, March 20th
5:45 to 6:45 p.m.
Sunset @ 6:15

Interim Solar Calendar
Cesar Chavez Park

Includes a brief workshop on the earth in relation to the seasons. What does the Equinox mean to you, to a traditional culture? Bring your questions about the workings of sun, earth and moon.

The site has been recently upgraded. Berms were rebuilt, and a new center gnomon and platform were added that will facilitate mid-day (11am to 1 pm) self-directed activities.

The Spring Equinox begins the Cesar Chavez Commemorative period in Berkeley (March 20th – April 23rd). He was born on March 31, 1927 and passed away on April 23, 1993. The park was named for Chavez in 1996. Community-wide commemorative activities and resources along with an update on the Chavez Memorial at the park can be accessed at //www.ecologycenter.org/chavez. This years theme is on environmental justice and community service.

Gathering led by David Glaser, Science Teacher

For directions: //www.solarcalendar.org

Our dog friends have been and will continue to be welcome to the gatherings. However, since the Interim Solar Calendar site is located in the “On-Leash” area of the park, we ask that you respect at all times the city’s effort to keep the park a multi-use one that includes a 17-acre Off-Leash area.

It took several years to achieve the designated “Off-Leash” area of the park, and we do not want to lose the privilege. The City monitors compliance and it is our understanding that there is about 25% non-compliance in general in the park, and about 75% non compliance in the area around the Interim Solar Calendar. Please help by reminding others of the On-Leach and Off-leash areas. It is estimated that about 50% are not fully familiar with the boundaries.