Parks Partnership Fund:

  • Celebrate a milestone
  • Honor an achievement
  • Remember someone who has passed
  • Create a greener, more welcoming, more enjoyable Berkeley

Parks Partnership Fund

This fund offers groups and individuals the opportunity to contribute to specified projects in parks and other green spaces in Berkeley, such as:

  • Sustainable, environmentally friendly plantings
  • Attractive pathways, fencing, or railings
  • Playground equipment, chess tables, recycling containers, benches, and other ‘furniture’
  • Interpretive signs for natural areas or sites of historic interest

Donations can be made in memory of or in honor of someone, or as a celebration of a special occasion, achievement, or milestone.

Contact Berkeley Partners for Parks by email, letter, or phone for a current list of opportunities or to discuss your idea for a project. Donations to the fund in general also are welcome — simply send a check made out to BPFP, with an indication that it is for the Parks Partnership Fund and any information as to a person or occasion that you wish to honor. The money will be used for the highest-priority projects.

Berkeley Partners for Parks
P.O. Box 13673
Berkeley, CA 94712
510-849-1969 (Phone/fax)

Gifts will be acknowledged with a letter and a certificate of appreciation, and the City Council will recognize each year’s honorees.

All donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donors receive no goods or services.

Donors also receive a complementary 1-year membership in Berkeley Partners for Parks, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation that since 1995 has served as fiscal umbrella and advisor for dozens of citizens groups working for recreation, parks, gardens, open space, restoration, and related efforts. Our track record of responsible stewardship is recognized by commissions, the City Council, and City staff.

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